Marquette-Atwood Art Walk Application

Neighborhood artists are invited to share their work on May 4th, 2025 from 11 to 5

This is an outdoor art show where artists set up at residential locations. Displays are nestled among homes in gardens, yards, patios, driveways, garages, porches and occasionally in studio. An artist must live in the neighborhood. Verify our boundaries with the maps posted on Our Location page. Once accepted, there is a process for hosting additional artists who may or may not live in the neighborhood. Your guest artists will apply on the Guest Artist Application page.

Step 1: Please provide your home address.

  • Must be residential with no exceptions for commercial properties, including group studios.

  • Once accepted and with organizers permission, you may be able to show at another home in the neighborhood. We anticipate street reconstruction on Rutledge.

Step 2: Tell us about your art!

  • Briefly describe your work. Your wording will be used on our website and in social media posts to promote your work.

  • What is your medium? We found that listing artists by medium boosts customer foot traffic.

  • You need to provide some way for us to see images of your work prior to being accepted.

Step 3: Help us complete the required Wisconsin Temporary Event Form.

  • Participants manage their own business and sales.

  • As event organizers, we do not need to know your sales totals.

Step 4: Once you receive confirmation of acceptance, the Participation Fee is $45 through January 31, then $50.

  • All artists apply and pay individually, unless part of a business team that creates a product line.

  • Complete your application by February 28, very last call by March 3.

This is a local artist and volunteer run event celebrating our creative community! For a successful event for our artists and visitors, our shared expectations are as follows:

  • This is an art show for what you make, so no vintage, resale, craft kits, MLM, direct sale, plants, food, fund raisers or anything that requires a permit that we don’t have. You may not add additional vendors that appear to be part of this event, including unlisted artists.

  • How you promote the event is up to you. Your registration pays for posters, postcards, paper maps, newspaper advertisement and a website. You will be listed on the map and as a participating artist on the website. Once accepted, artists have the option of having photos, artist tagline, contact information and a link to the artist’s website and/or Facebook page listed on our webpage and social media.

  • You agree to be open 11 - 5.

  • All displays will be on private property. The property owner agrees to allow public access and has homeowner insurance.

  • Yard signs are checked out to the host artist at your location. You agree to return all of your yard signs and map box (if you have one).

  • Notify us immediately if you have an emergency requiring cancellation. We have procedures in place to rapidly change the map and provide special signage.

If you do not receive a response from us within one week, please check your email spam folder. Click to email the event.